Jason Benjamin - Painter 画家

Client: Red Gate Gallery 客户:红门画廊

When Tony Burke, the Australian arts minister came to Red Gate we chatted about the expat Australian arts scene and he asked me for images that would help explain this to Australians back home. I asked Jason if he would let me come by and make images of him in is temporary studio. He was in Beijing as part of Red Gate's residency programme. 

当澳大利亚艺术部长Tony Burke访问红门画廊时,我们谈论到了澳大利亚艺术家在海外的创作现场,他向我索要了一些照片以便于他在回到澳洲之后向公众诠释。我询问Jason是否能让我拜访并在他的临时工作室拍照。他当时在北京参加红门画廊的国际访问艺术家计划。